The Hotel and Restaurant Association of Odisha (HARO) expressed it happiness and gratitude to the Central Government for giving priority to the tourism sector in the Union Budget.
HARO chainman JK Mohanty said it is hearten- ing to learn that the Government of India would give priority focus on developing the tourism sector of Odisha. The HARO has always mentioned that Odisha has the highest tourism potential in the country; and support of the Central Government and a modified tourism policy by the Odisha Government can definitely push Odisha tourism to much greater heights.
“With the largest lagoon (Chilika Lake) of the northern hemisphere, beaches, mountains, tribes, richness of temple architecture, rich heritage sites, Odishi dance, silver filigree works, art, craft, culture and the rich eco tourist destinations, tourism in Odisha can generate highest employ- ment in rural and urban areas. Presently, the GDP contribution from tourism is 8% and it can go much higher with a double- engine government in power,” said Mohanty.