Tourism in Odisha will get a boost as Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman an- nounced that the state will be made a world-class tourist hub because of its temples, craftsmanship, na- tural landscapes, wildlife sanctua- ries and pristine beaches. “We will support tourism in Odisha,” she said though no allocation has been made for it yet.
In past eight years, Odisha’sna- ture tourism has proved to have ta- kers not only in the country but al- so abroad. Religious and beach to urism have attracted tourists in droves too. The eco-tourism sites in wildlife sanctuaries, reserves, wetlands and water reservoirs, fo- rests and moats are also popular. Restaurant Associa-Hotel and tion of Odisha (HRAO) welcomed finance minister’s move. “Besides places like Bishnupath Temple in Gaya, Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh- gaya, Rajgir and Nalanda in Bihar, it is heartening to learn that Cent- re will give priority to develop tou- rism in Odisha. The state has the highest tourist potential in the co- untry. With Centre’s support and a modified tourism policy, Odisha tourism can reach greater he- ights,” said JK Mohanty, chair- man, HRAO.
HRAO said tourism in Odisha can generate highest employment with it having largest lagoon of northern hemisphere-the Chilika lake, beaches, mountains, tribes, temple architectures, heritage si- tes, Odissi dance, silver filigree, art and crafts and eco-tourism des- tinations.
Odisha’s Similipal Tiger Reser- ve, the fourth largest in the count- ry, is lone in the world to have mela- nistic (black stripe) tigers. Simili- pal draws more than 80, 000 tourists annually.
Odisha is the only state to have completely community-run eco- tourism facilities. It has 50 nature tourism sites with around 400 rooms.